14 Jun A Black Woman Spoke at Apple’s Tech Conference and Twitter Went Wild
Was it just last year that feminist trailblazing corporation, Apple, commissioned not one, but two women to address attendees at their annual Worldwide Developers Conference? Well it’s 2016 now, and the truly innovative tech giant followed up with Bozoma Saint John, Apple Music’s Head of Global Consumer Marketing.
The marketing veteran, who previously got her feet wet at Pepsi and Spike Lee’s advertising agency, Spike DDB, spoke to the crowd of developers about Apple’s latest music achievements. Twitter, to say the least, was more than excited to see a black woman on stage. Below, a roundup of some of the most enthusiastic tweets.
Matthew Panzarino @panzer
A woman of color, Bozoma Saint John, out to present Apple Music.
Cecily Walker ✨ @skeskali
Bozoma Saint John like Ghanaian High Life and now I’m wondering if there’s a playlist on Apple Music…
(((Christian JB))) @christianjbdev
Bozoma was the only good thing about that Apple Keynote.
Carolina Nijenhuis @CRnijenhuis
Is anyone else also totally in <3 with Bozoma, Head of Global Consumer Marketing at Apple? What a presentation! #WWDC #Apple
vyer @VyerWeb
Bozoma meets the #WWDC2016 crowd will make a great @SiliconHBO scene one day
Terron Moore @Terr
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