Author: DigiStaff

For many companies, celebrating equality, talent and diversity has become a CEO-level issue and one of the core focus areas. Industry leaders emphasize equal pay opportunities and promoting women to higher management levels with bigger responsibilities. Marc Benioff has become a role model by closing the pay gap and introducing “Equality” as a business value. Together with the UN, CEOs Paul Polman, Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Vittorio Colao, Bill McDermott have become impact champions for diversity and equality in the workplace globally. Fast changing filed, like technology, attract dreamers who want to have an impact, innovate, and contribute.

Last week, the Google cafeteria served up a new experience to 150 ninth graders from New York City public schools. Along with pizza and cookies, the students got a class in coding from Google's famed engineers. In a statistically unusual scene for the tech world, the students hovering over computer screens were black, Latino and Asian/Pacific Islander. Some are just learning to master English after immigrating; others have limited access to computers in their daily lives.