Our first Unconference triggered rave reviews and other unconferences around the city.
Share what you know, learn what you don’t. Unconference begins as an open agenda. The event is about YOU. Propose a topic that matters or attend someone else’s session. In 2 hours we will identify (and problem-solve) around the 36 most important topics and challenges around health innovation in Miami.
Expect the following:
Build strategic relationships around topics that you decide matter most
Be surrounded by top influencers & decision makers from Florida & beyond. We are partnered with health system CEOs and executives, startups, clinicians, academics, investors, major insurers, patient groups, and expert advisers.
Get outside-the-box perspectives, advice, and lived experiences of diverse minds in various spaces
No keynotes – participate only in what interests & energizes you
Imagine being able to learn how a peer organization has already handled challenges you struggle with. Or brainstorming with top minds on how to solve complex local problems. And imagine walking away with the relationships and skills needed to execute on change.
Note: Unconference is part of a day-long SBC event and will therefore start promptly at 4pm. Attendance is capped at 60 participants. If you RSVP’d and are unable to attend please modify your reservation so someone else can take your place.