15 Apr Well, Technically: Tech And The People Who Love It
Do you love tech? Tune in to interviews with founders, celebs and makers to talk about the work they are doing and the tech they love.
Terri Burns and Sarah Kunst host the new FORBES podcast, Well, Technically that will explore the experiences of guests working in STEM and their career journeys so far.
We asked all of our FORBES Podcasts hosts six questions to get to know them.
Lilly Knoepp: Give us your elevator pitch about who you are and what matters to you most.
Terri Burns: I’m Terri Burns, a developer and technologist. Making the world a more interesting, fair, and resourceful place through technology matters to me. (And of course, my family and friends.)
Sarah Kunst: I’m a venture investor turned startup founder so right now my company Proday is the center of my universe. I’m passionate about building a successful company and making a product users love.
Knoepp: What’s your favorite keep-you-going quote?
Burns: Recently, a stranger told me “If you must do something, do it graciously.” That really stuck with me.
Kunst: “The reasonable woman adapts herself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to herself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable woman.” – George Bernard Shaw, adapted.
Knoepp: A hashtag that would describe your life currently?
Burns: #getReady
Kunst: #hustleharder
Knoepp: Is there an app you love that we all should know about?
Burns: I check the weather incessantly and think that Dark Sky does a really great job of consistent, accurate updates.
Kunst: Proday! We let you workout alongside professional athletes anytime, anywhere.
Knoepp: What’s your favorite podcast?
Burns: Call Your Girlfriend. My long distance besties and I listen in every week and talk about it!
Kunst: #girlboss radio. Sophia Amoroso has been an inspiration for building a company while staying stylish and in control.
Knoepp: What’s your next step?
Burns: My next step is to graduate with a computer science degree from NYU, start working at Twitter, and begin the next chapter.
Kunst: World domination.
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